Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Early Poptropica Island Walthrough

Difficulty level: Easy
This island is great for players who are just starting Poptropica.
1. Go to early Poptropica and go to the old Poptropica.
2. Talk to the guy with the pig pen, the guy by the well, and the guy in the flag tower.
3. Go into the well and talk to the guy with the glow stick. He will tell you where to find another one.
4. Exit well and​​​ go by the Pop-art museum there will be a man hole with it cover off go in it.
5. Go to the right and you will see the pig. (Be careful, there's a spider down there)
6. Go to the left and ​​go up the first rope. Then go all the way to the right and climb up that rope. Then go all the way to the left. Climb up that rope and go to the right left and you have the golden egg.
7. Then get out of there.
8. Go to the top of the rooftop restaurant and go up the rope.​​
9. Talk to the Big Giant give him the egg he will thank you and give you passage.
10. Make your​ way through the vegetable garden and collect the well bucket.
11.  Keep going right​ and then float on the propellers to get over the wing and rocket ship.
12. Grab the jet pack and fly back down to main street.
13. Then go to the water tower and fly to the top to get the flag.
14.Then go deliver everything to their ​​owners and a ship will come into the bay.
15. Talk to the man on the ship and he will give you the medallion.

Congrats, you've finished the island!

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