Friday, January 4, 2013

Mystery Train Island Walkthrough

Difficulty level: Medium
If you are looking for a mildly challenging island Mystery Train is perfect for you.
Thomas Edison's invention has been stolen it is up to you to catch the culprit.
1. Talk to the guy who looks perplexed by some of the luggage he will ask you to help him, he'll owe you.
2. Rearrange the luggage so that it is a straight line up and put the board on top.
3. He will give you a ticket to the John Bull train.
4. Get in the train and talk to every passenger except him. Along the way pick up the pencil next to a brown bag.
5. After you've done that talk to him, you will test out his invention.
6.He will go to get a reporter and the train will go around a bend and the lights will go out and when they turn back on the invention is gone!
7. You are now trying to find clues as to who the culprit could be. Talk to the NY Times Reporter he will tell you Mark Twain has been hiding something in his apartment.
8. Talk to him and he will tell you to look around. Click on his wall and once you've hit the secret panel he will tell you that it was his manuscript.
9. Suddenly the train stops talk to the NY times Reporter and he will tell you that heard someone running from the direction of Edison's room. Maybe they left a clue.
10. Talk to George Ferris he will say that maybe the fresh air will clear his head. The train master will then tell you to get in the train.
11. Go to Edison's room and along the way in the luggage cart look at the coal smudges on the trunk someone will throw scissors at you. Pick em' up.
12. At Edison's door you will find drops of prune juice.
13. Go to the dining cart and ask Susan B. Anthony about the transformer she will tell you that Nicola Tesla has been locked in his room for a long time.
14. Talk to the porter about who ordered prune hat juice he won't tell you but after he tears off the page. Use the pencil to find the impression about who ordered what.
15. Talk to the coal man and he will tell you that he didn't go near the luggage and to ask the porter.
16. Talk to the porter and he will tell you tell you that it was true.
17. Go to the luggage cart and talk to the French Reporter she will tell you to pretend to be the porter and bring Tesla a drink.
18. Go to the porter closet and put on his costume.
19. Knock on Tesla's door and he will ask for a drink keep on pouring til he needs to go to the bathroom and search for the key when you find it he will come in.
20. Go to the luggage cart and click on the trunk when you open it there is the transformer. The reporter will get the security guard and you and Edison will test out his invention. When you look at the picture though you see that Tesla was all the way on the other side of the train.
21. Go to the luggage cart and there will be a hatch open go through and run on top of the train avoiding the obstacles. Talk to Tesla and give him the pencil; he will give you a sketch of his cabin.
22. Look in there and circle on the map what looks different. You will find that the briefcase is open.
23. Talk to Tesla and he will say that he has no idea how it was opened and that this is terrible.
24. Talk to Eric Weiz and he will say that the locked was picked by an expert and that he does not know anyone like that.
25. Talk to the NY Times Reporter he will say that something is off about him. He will give you a newspaper article and you will see that Eric is Houdini.
26. After you get his lock picks he will come into the room confront him and he will say that you found out his secret and climb onto the roof follow him and he falls into a fish tank.
27. Cut the rope and use his lock picks to spring him, before he runs out of air. He will say that he would have gotten himself out but his other set of lock picks were stolen. He will tell you to find out what Tesla was hiding.
28. Ask Tesla and he will tell you that first you must unlock him. Use the lock picks and he will tell you he was hiding a transformer.
29. Go to the last cart and carefully avoid the trap then talk to the President and you will piece this together and come to the conclusion that to find the culprit you must take a closer look at the luggage.
30. Look at the luggage and you will see that the luggage is full of french stuff.
31. Talk to Gustave Eiffel and he will say that there is a lady's handkerchief in there so it is not him.
32. Just then the train arrives. Get out and the reporter will take off, follow her but she puts the cops on you.
33. Jump on the lions heads when they're closed then on the balconies until you get to the snake charmer climb on top of the basket and go through the door then go through the dancing ladies then go on top of the totem poles until the last one (the trick is to jump from totem to lamp until you get there), the police will knock them over isolating you from them. 
34. Go climb up the Ferris Wheel til the reporter dumps a crate on you then go on the red rope and get off on the other side. Climb some more until she drops the transformer grab a different red rope  and get off on the other side and climb. Approach the reporter and she will accidentally fall into the fish tank.
35. Hand the transformer to Ferris then talk to the President, he will give you a medal. 
You won!


  1. Thanks so much Cool Wing and Purple Bubbles! I really needed help on that island! :)

  2. Btw- on the totem poles and lamps, you can go on the very top of totems and jump from totem to totem. I found it easier than totem 2 lamp because the lamps are unexpectedly placed.
